Monday 26 July 2021

People Like Her by Ellery Lloyd


320 pages

Publisher: Pan Macmillan / Mantle


She has an easy life - but makes a living from pretending otherwise.

She has a husband who hates the spotlight - but can't step away.

She has a million followers who adore her - but one who wants her to suffer.

She hasn't realised her family is in danger yet - but she will.

People like Emmy Jackson. They always have. Especially online, where she is Instagram sensation Mamabare, famous for always telling the unvarnished truth about modern parenthood.

But Emmy isn't as honest as she'd like the fans to believe. She may think she has her followers fooled, but someone out there knows the truth and plans to make her pay. Because people like her have no idea what pain careless words can cause. Because people like her need to learn what it feels like to lose everything...


People Like Her was a captivating, intriguing, and thrilling read. It also confirmed, for me, the sometimes insidious nature of social media. What most fascinated me was that the 'villain in this book had a motive that almost made their actions understandable, if not excusable. And while a lot of Emmy's actions and decisions were silly and/or thoughtless, I wouldn't describe her as a bad person either. She has a goal in mind and is caught up in her quest to reach that destination. She doesn't mean to hurt people, in fact, she truly believes she helps at least some mothers feel better (and she probably does). Nothing in this story is simple or obviously black or white. The tension creeps up slowly, and the motivation is only completely revealed near the end of the book. 

I enjoyed this story and read it in 24 hours. I always like books that surprise me and keep me guessing. Especially since none of the characters turned out to be exactly who or what they seemed to be.

Finally, if I needed confirmation that (internet) fame is not for me, People Like Her provided it in spades.

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