Monday, 31 October 2016

Detective Fox and the Christmas Caper by Isobel Starling - Pre-release Review

Detective Fox and the Christmas Caper (Dick and the Sidekick)
by Isobel Starling

124 pages
Release Date: November 1, 2016
Buy links: Amazon   Amazon UK   ARe

The blurb:

Every good Dick needs a sidekick…

Actor Tom Lewis’s world came crashing down when a honey trap and tabloid exposé outed him and put pay to his flourishing career. The housewives favorite was most well-known for his role as ‘Detective Fox’ in the quaint British series 'Malmesbury Murders'. But after the media speculation about his sexuality, the show is in hiatus and Tom hasn’t worked six months.

Now things are getting serious, the money he made from M.M is running out and he needs a job desperately. So when Tom’s agent offers him a six week seasonal acting job, he reluctantly agrees… and takes on the role of Santa for a top London department store.

This decision changes Tom’s luck. Not only will he have an income for the holiday season, he’ll also be working with a very sexy young elf that he spotted at the auditions, named Eli Mason.

The plot gathers pace when, during a break Tom overhears two unidentified store workers discussing a ‘job to get a little Christmas bonus”. He realizes the job is of the illegal sort. Now, Tom could call the police, but then again, wouldn’t it be great for his flagging career if Detective Fox saved the day?

So Fox is on the case, and as every good Dick needs a sidekick, Tom decides Eli will fit the role, in more ways than one.

My thoughts:

Oh but this book was fun; a cosy and humorous crime-caper come romance is probably the best description I can come up with. I pretty much smiled and laughed my way through this novella from start to finish.

There is a lot to like about this book. I loved both Tom’s gruffness and Eli’s sweet temperament, especially because the tables are completely turned once these two men get naked together. Sexy doesn’t begin to describe their bedroom (and living room for that matter) antics, but as hot as they were, they always erred on the side of sweet.

The crime in this book is rather ingenious and made me wonder about the author’s morality for a moment J I could actually see a set up as the one described in this book work in reality. The way the case ended on the other hand was all high jinks and far from realistic, but all the more fun for it. (And that’s all you’re getting, read the book if you want to know what I mean).

I’ve been a fan of ‘Midsomer Murders’, both the books and the TV series, and was delighted to see the author took her inspiration for Tom from those stories. Now that I’ve finished this story I can only hope the author will revisit Tom and Eli. Surely there are more mysteries and sexy-times in their future, and I for one, really want to read those.

If you’d like a lighthearted, sexy, and funny Christmas story look no further; Detective Fox and the Christmas Caper is exactly what you’re looking for.

About the author:

Inspiration strikes at the strangest of times.

Born in Germany, Isobel Starling spent most of her twenty-year professional career making Art. She relocated to the UK and, faced with the dreaded artist’s creative block, Isobel started to write and found she loved it more than making Art.

Isobel has just completed her sixth book. She adores the M/M genre and enjoys writing about wounded souls and the complexities of personal relationships.

Despite not having found proof yet, Isobel believes in love at first sight and endeavors to give her characters a thrilling journey and a satisfying ending.

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Sunday, 30 October 2016

Kandi,Electric Desert Nights #2 by JewelQuinlan

#99cents #ShortStory #ParanormalRomance #NewRelease


Mya goes to Electric Daisy Carnival with her friends hoping not only to have the time of her life but also to take her mind of off her problems. A gnawing hunger has plagued her for months. But even though she eats, she’s growing dangerously thin, and the doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong with her. While at the carnival, she runs into Somer who tells her he’s an incubus and that she’s paranormal as well. Mya doesn’t believe him, of course. But then when he kisses her, she feels an enticing heat curl deep within her and something else that makes her change her mind. Could Somer hold the key to making her well?

Where you can buy it:

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Enjoy this excerpt:

“Hey pretty girl, want some kandi?” A rumbling chuckle followed the question.
Mya musings were abruptly forgotten when she saw the gorgeous guy who’d appeared by her side. He held a pink beaded bracelet out to her. Oh yeah, kandi. “Um. Sure,” was all she could get out. He had sandy blond hair and gorgeous green eyes that glowed with good-humor.
Taking her hand, he slipped the bracelet onto her wrist. It was composed of neon pink beads, that alternated with pastel pink and, in the center, square white beads spelled out the word goddess. “Look at that. It suits you perfectly,” he said. He wore several other brightly colored beaded bracelets on his forearms. Some had charms on them and others, like the one he’d given her, had words like dance, joy, and party strung onto them.
Mya blinked. The guy was so good-looking he practically glowed with magnetism. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him, and her skin still tingled from where he’d touched her. She gave her head a slight shake, trying to snap out of it. “Thanks. It’s pretty.”
He leaned in close and his bare chest bumped her arm, sending a rush of heat through her. “Mind if I hang out with you? I’m Somer.” He stuck his hand out and she shook it, causing another rush of heat to curl through her. What was it about him that made her body respond so strongly?
“Um, I’m Mya. You want to hang out with me?” He was giving her one of those looks that made her feel suddenly shy.
He looked amused. “Yeah. Is that okay?”
“Sure. I guess.” She got caught up in those eyes again and the bright smile. The space was so packed with people that they were forced to stand close together, only centimeters apart, near enough to feel the heat of his body and inhale his scent. It was a mix of warm spicy cologne, shaving gel, and the musty scent of male. The gnawing hunger in her belly spiked again, and she couldn’t stop herself from checking him out. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, so there was nothing to stop her from running her gaze over his wide, firm chest and shoulders. Lower down his torso tapered into well-toned abdominals. She stopped at the white mesh shorts and felt disappointment wash over her. Oh, he’s gay.
“You like my outfit?” he asked.
“Yeah. It’s…nice.”
“Hey, we match,” he said, bumping his hip against hers.
She was wearing a white skirt and cropped tank top and had used some puff paint to draw flowers on them.
“You’re gorgeous, by the way,” he said.
His directness made her blush. “It’s nice of you to say so. I know I’m not really your type.” She winced and wished she could take back the words as soon as she said them. They smacked of insecurity. Why had she drunk so much beer?
“What are you talking about? You’re exactly my type.” He beamed another one of those smiles at her.
“But aren’t you…you know…gay?” Her cheeks heated again with embarrassment, and this time she wanted to kick herself. The alcohol had definitely loosened her tongue.
She gestured at him with her hand. “But the outfit, the hair…and, you’re way too good-looking to be straight.”
He laughed. “Am I?”
She nodded and returned his smile. It was impossible not to, his charm was infectious.
“Well, now you’ve done it,” he said in a mock-dangerous tone.
His green eyes sparkled wickedly down at her. “Forced me to have to prove myself.”
Before she could figure out what that meant, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.
That’s when everything was turned upside down.

About the Author:

Restless by nature, Jewel Quinlan is an avid traveler and has visited sixteen countries so far. Lover of ice cream, dark beer, and red wine she tries to stay fit when she’s not typing madly on her computer concocting another romance novel. In her spare time, she likes to do yoga, hike, learn German, and play with her spoiled Chihuahua, Penny.

For more information about Jewel Quinlan

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Friday, 28 October 2016

Holiday Ever After by the Los Angeles Romance Authors - Promo Post

@JewelQuinlan #LaraRWA #holidayeverafter


Baby, it’s cold outside! Come snuggle up with Holiday Ever After, a collection of 15 stories filled with love and passion sure to put you in the holiday spirit.

Get tangled up with a Regency tavern wench, your own Mr. Scrooge, or the ghosts of Christmases past and present. Open your home and your heart to visitors from far away. Is your secret Santa a Navy SEAL, a handsome jock, or an artist? Perhaps you’d like to ring in the holidays with that office party hottie, the sexy exchange student next door, or a Vegas stripper? Whether you like your holiday treats sweet or spicy, there’s something for everyone in Holiday Ever After.

Featuring stories by the Los Angeles Romance Authors (LARA), Holiday Ever After will keep you warm on a chilly winter’s night.

Where you can buy it:

Amazon  |  iBooks  |  Kobo  |  Nook  |  All Romance eBooks

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Enjoy this excerpt from My Oktoberfest Escapade by Jewel Quinlan:

Lars stopped us again, this time at a hat vendor. There were all kinds of hats. Some were traditional Bavarian ones like Lars’s. They came in green, gray, and brown with all different kinds of trim and decorations on them. Other, less expensive hats were on the comical side and shaped like kegs or mugs. One had beer holders with straws so the wearer could drink as they walked.
“You can’t leave without a souvenir,” Lars said.
I looked up from the stand of felt A-shaped hats I was examining.
He shoved some money and a receipt into his pocket and then presented a hat to me that looked like a full beer mug, complete with froth, and placed it on my head. I held still as he tugged the brim into position and arranged my hair, pulling the light-brown locks forward over my shoulders. He trailed his fingertips down the length of the last cluster of strands, making the base of my scalp tingle. We stood so close I could detect the mild scent of beer on his breath.
The boots I wore had a decent heel on them, but I still had to tilt my head back to meet his gaze. “How does it look?”
Our eyes locked, and it was as if time sucked us backward to that day so long ago when we’d said goodbye. It overpowered the world around us, forcing it into the background. All that existed was the two of us. As the longing in his gaze registered, my breath caught. Does he feel the same way I do? I got my answer when his lips pressed down on mine, and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tight.

About the Author:

Restless by nature, Jewel Quinlan is an avid traveler and has visited sixteen countries so far. Lover of ice cream, dark beer, and red wine she tries to stay fit when she’s not typing madly on her computer concocting another romance novel. In her spare time, she likes to do yoga, hike, learn German, and play with her spoiled Chihuahua, Penny.

For more information about Jewel Quinlan

Or join Jewel’s newsletter if you just want to get the most important updates

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Alpha Barman by Sue Brown – Cover Reveal

Release Date: November 24 2016


Jake Tyler walked out of Special Ops two years ago, a devastated, broken man after he discovered his sister brutally murdered by her husband, Riley. Since then he’s found a kind of peace running a rural bar. The last thing Jake Tyler expects is his former team to turn up with grim news. Jake’s ex-brother-in-law has escaped from prison and is heading Jake’s way. The team is here to protect Jake, whether he likes it or not – a decision reluctantly shared by their leader, Jake’s ex-lover Mitch Mitchelson.

Mitch is angry and hurting. The man he trusted – the man he adored more than anything – abandoned both his team and Mitch. Jake never gave Mitch a chance to help or come to terms with his desertion. Regardless of mission protocols, Mitch isn’t about to open his heart again to that kind of pain.

But the strong attraction between them can’t be denied. How are they ever going to work together when Mitch still resents Jake’s disappearance, and to Jake, the team represents everything that destroyed him in the first place? And meantime they wait for Riley to find them... and to settle the threat once and for all.

Author Bio

Sue Brown is owned by her dog and two children. When she isn't following their orders, she can be found plotting at her laptop. In fact she hides so she can plot, and has become an expert at ignoring the orders.

 Sue discovered M/M erotica at the time she woke up to find two men kissing on her favorite television series. She had an Aha moment and put pen to paper that same day. Sue may be late to the party, but she's made up for it since, writing fan fiction until she was brave enough to venture out into the world of original fiction.

Come over and talk to Sue at:

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Wednesday, 26 October 2016

RJ Scott writing as Rozenn Scott The Code (Ice Dragons #1) - Release Blitz

Author: RJ Scott writing as Rozenn Scott

Release Date: October 26 2016

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Kobo

Cover Design: Meredith Russell

Length: 50,000 words


Falling for his best friend’s sister seemed like a good idea at the time.

Defenceman Ryan Flynn’s life and career is defined by the codes of hockey; friendship, respect, leadership and protection. A call from his best friends sister ends up with him taking her home and it’s all he can do to remember that she’s off limits. Doesn’t matter that she’s too much of temptation for a man on the edge, he promised her brother he wouldn’t go anywhere near her.

Kathryn Lecour has been in lust with hockey player Ryan Flynn since she was first laid eyes on him. The problem? Ryan is her brother’s best friend, bound by a complicated code of chivalry both on and off the ice.

Will Ryan, the hard man of the Dragons ever see her as anything more than his best friend’s little sister? And will Kat be able to tame the Dragon with ice in his heart?


“You have to promise,” Loki had said to him.
They were nineteen years old and drunk on cheap beer. Kat’s prom date vanished into the darkness, and that was a good thing: the baseball captain and high achiever wasn’t good enough for her.
Not in her brother’s eyes, and not in his.
“Promise what?” Ryan had been worried that what he and Loki had done made Kat’s date leave and left her in tears. They’d only meant to intimidate him to playing nice, not get him to run away with his tail between his legs.
“Don’t ever let her near a jock,” Loki snapped. He didn’t appear to have any remorse at seeing the guy run, but then, he ’hadn’t seen his sister’s tears. “No one like us. Because all we are is hockey, and all we do is for the team.”
“I promise.”
“We fuck and leave, and nothing means anything.”
“Don’t you ever let anyone hurt her.”
“I won’t. I promise.”

The smile slipped from his face when the enormity of what he’d promised sunk into his soul, and for a second he hesitated. He had to go in there and be her brother, be the friend she’d need. Not the idiot man who fancied himself in love with her.
He settled his breathing. And then he opened the door, slipped inside, and shut it behind him before he could second-guess why he was here.
The room was simple: sofas, a coffee table in the middle, a large roof window that would let in light in the daytime. At the moment, the room was lit by a soft lamp in the corner.
Sitting bolt upright in one corner of the largest sofa was Kat.
Ryan took one look at her face and couldn’t help himself; a curse fell from his lips without conscious thought. A vivid scarlet mark ran from her eye socket to her cheekbone, as if someone had deliberately slapped her; bruises ringed her neck and her lip was cut, evidenced by a butterfly bandage just below the left corner. She was so beautiful, and he couldn’t bear to see the marks on her soft skin.
She looked up at him, her green eyes bright. He stepped closer and she stared at him. Her lower lip trembled as though she was fighting tears; he wanted to hold her and stop her from crying.
God, all I want is to hold her.
“Take me home, Ryan,” she said, her voice broken. Then she added a much smaller, quieter “Please.”

Author Bio: 

RJ Scott is the bestselling gay romance author of over ninety MM romance books. She writes emotional stories of complicated characters, cowboys, millionaire, princes, and the men who get mixed up in their lives. RJ is known for writing books that always end with a happy ever after. She lives just outside London and spends every waking minute she isn't with family either reading or writing. 

RJ also writes MF romance under the name Rozenn Scott.

The last time she had a week’s break from writing she didn't like it one little bit, and she has yet to meet a bottle of wine she couldn’t defeat.
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Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Entranced, Electric Desert Nights Book 1, by Jewel Quinlan – Release Blitz



When vampire, Wade, is told by a psychic that he’s going to meet his soulmate at Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas, he thinks it’s a load of crap. It’s where paranormal beings go every year to feed on human partygoers. But Wade’s curiosity won’t stop plaguing him while he’s there with his friends.When a near fatal accident thrusts him together with beautiful Yesenia, a human, both their eyes are opened to the mystical connection between them.

Where you can buy it:

Amazon |iBooks  |  Kobo|Nook  |  All Romance eBooks

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Enjoy this excerpt:

“Hey, Scarlett, you want to know why Wade’s scrutinizing every chick that passes?”
Scarlett perked up. “Why?”
Wade frowned at the incubus’s teasing tone. “What? I’m hungry.”
An amused smile spread across Somer’s handsome face. “Wade’s soulmate is supposed to be here tonight. Come on, Wade. You don’t really believe what that hag in Miami said, do you?”
“What hag?” Scarlett looked back and forth at the two of them.
Wade stuck his hands in his jean pockets and kicked at some litter on the ground. “No.”
It had been a mistake to pop into the psychic’s shop while he’d been with Somer at Ultra Music Festival in Miami. But, at the time, he’d been a little drunk and high himself because he’d fed on the blood of several people who’d been under the influence. Getting his fortune read had seemed like a bit of random fun. But when he’d sat down with the woman at her velvet-covered table and spread the colorful tarot cards out before her, her eyes and tone had pierced him with their gravity.
The candles in the sconces on the wall behind her had made her head seem like it was a floating oracle—probably because he’d been high—and it had mesmerized him. “You are going to have an unusually long life,” she’d said glancing at his palm. “And you will have no lack of good health.”
Somer, sitting next to him, had started sniggering at that point.
Then she looked at the cards on the table. “You’ve had a happy life so far, but you want more,” she said. “A while ago, something inside you led you to seek an unusual path. But this path is not as wonderful as you expected it to be. Something is missing.” Her long bony fingers had stroked at the images on the cards as though she were receiving messages by touching them.
Somer’s sniggering increased in volume, and the psychic had pinned him with her large milky eyes. In a low voice she’d asked him to wait outside because he was disrupting the flow of energy. He’d left without protest, and the psychic had proceeded with Wade’s reading. That’s when she’d gone into greater detail about his current life and his future. She’d commented on his constant travel, his small circle of tight-knit friends, and the loneliness he felt now. He hadn’t said a word to confirm or deny anything, but she’d been right. Vampires tended not to stay in any one place too long. And paranormal creatures tended to be loners, which meant it was difficult to make friends. At the time, Wade had been dwelling on the fact that the last remnants of his human life were fading away. The remainder of his human friends and relatives had died at the beginning of the year, and he no longer had anyone to look in on.
It wasn’t something he ever talked about, so having a stranger home in on his deepest feelings had made them even more real and depressing.
The psychic had swept away the first batch of cards and laid more down. She smiled as she gestured to a cluster of three with yellow backgrounds and pictures involving smiling people holding cups. “Things are going to change for the better. Happiness is on its way.”
He’d perked up at that and hope had streaked through him. He hadn’t realized how much he’d needed it until that moment, however ridiculous the whole thing was.
She flipped another card over. “You’re going to meet your soulmate.” She flipped two more cards over. “Yes. In June, at a place you’ve been before. There will be a lot of people there.”
There was only one place that could be. Here, at the twentieth anniversary of EDC. The reading had ended after that, and a stunned Wade had walked out and told Somer everything. Big mistake. He would never hear the end of it.
He knew the whole psychic thing was a bunch of bullshit. They were notorious liars. It was just that that damn jag of hope had taken root inside him. As the days had passed, curiosity had sprouted from it, one that demanded to be satisfied. And now he couldn’t stop himself from looking at all the girls the way he was. Would he know it was her on sight?
“What hag?” Scarlett asked again.
Somer filled her in than smirked and asked, “Do vampires even believe in love?”
Wade glared at him.
“Why wouldn’t they?” Scarlett said, her brown eyes filled with compassion. “Love is amazing. There’s no reason vampires should spend eternity without it. You just haven’t felt it yet, Somer.” Her face lit up as she said, “Someday you’ll see. It’s so powerful and freeing. Nick and I couldn’t imagine ever being apart. Even after all this time, it’s like I can still feel him.” A smile flashed across her pretty face. She was becoming more opaque, the wispy pale traces of her features were filling out and taking on healthy human colors. Her creamy skin was kissed with just a hint of sun, and her brown eyes were kind. Her clothing was the same outfit she’d died in, jean cutoff shorts and a fringed bikini top. She solidified every year on the anniversary of her death.
“So did this soothsayer give you any details at all? Did she describe the woman or tell you how you were going to meet?” Somer persisted.
“Nah, she just said I would meet my soulmate here.” Wade answered Somer’s teasing question for Scarlett’s benefit. Somer had only given her a short synopsis.
“What about a time? Did she give you a time?”
Scarlett shook her head. “You can be a real rascal sometimes, Somer.”
Wade’s fist streaked out in a blur to punch Somer in the gut.
“Oof!” Somer cringed back, hands pressed to his midsection. But the blow failed to wipe the smile off his face.
“No, she didn’t. Besides, if she was right—and I doubt that she is—I don’t have to look for her. She’ll come to me.” Wade shrugged. “Whatever. Let’s head over to Kinetic Field. DJ Momo is coming on soon.”
He turned and began walking, the other two trailing behind him. And, as the last glow of sunlight disappeared, Scarlett completed her shift into solid form.

About the Author:

Restless by nature, Jewel Quinlan is an avid traveler and has visited sixteen countries so far. Lover of ice cream, dark beer, and red wine she tries to stay fit when she’s not typing madly on her computer concocting another romance novel. In her spare time, she likes to do yoga, hike, learn German, and play with her spoiled Chihuahua, Penny.

For more information about Jewel Quinlan

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