Wednesday 30 December 2015

My Favourite Reads in 2015

My Favourite Reads in 2015

I wasn’t going to do a favourites post this year. They always take quite a bit of time to put together—time I could be using to read or write another book. J But then I looked at the lists other people posted and realised how much fun it is to see what everybody had enjoyed. I smile when I see others have loved the same books I did and always end up adding numerous titles to my TBR list. If that’s true for me, chances are it’s the same for others so, it seems only fair to share my extra-special reads of last year too.

There is little rhyme or reason to this list. I've named titles in chronological order, as I read them and the only thing these books have in common is that they managed to touch me deeply for one reason or another. I share quotes from my reviews below. If you want to read the full reviews, please click on the titles. Have a look, and let me know what you think of my selection.

Slaying Isidore’s Dragons by Cody Kennedy:
“I’m not entirely sure what to say about this amazing book. Slaying Isidore’s Dragons took me for a wild ride and forced me to experience every single emotion in my arsenal in rapid succession. I found myself going from broken hearted to laughing out loud in the space of one paragraph. The danger the characters faced would make my heart race only for my breath to be taken away by the love story half a page later. Rollercoaster doesn’t begin to describe the reading experience this book gave me. Slaying Isidore’s Dragons is an action-filled thriller dealing with important and difficult issues. It is a story filled with emotion and humour, pain and love, danger and domesticity. It broke my heart and put it back together. Slaying Isidore’s Dragons gave me a reading experience I treasure and a story I won’t forget any time soon.”

Balls Up by Kate Aaron:
“I loved, loved, loved Balls Up. This book touched me on a very deep and personal level. This is, without a doubt, (one of) the best book(s) I’ve read this year. The story took me through every emotion imaginable only to leave me uplifted by the time the story ended. I can’t begin to tell you how amazing this book is. I can tell you that you’d be doing yourself a great disservice if you did not read it.”

For Real by Alexis Hall:
“Well WOW. Talk about being completely blown away by a book. This was an amazing read on several levels. The dynamic between these two men took my breath away. Yes, it was incredibly hot, but it was so much more than that. They way they give and take, the manner in which they fit together and the feelings they have for each other were so beautiful they brought tears to my eyes once or twice. For Real is a powerful, memorable and far from traditional but very hot love story. It’s an amazing book featuring two characters gloriously beautiful in all their flaws. This book will, without a doubt, end up being one of my top reads this year.”

In the Distance by Eileen Griffin and Nikka Michaels:
“This book is probably my favourite of the three In the Kitchen novels. I love how these two authors always manage to pull me into their stories. They introduce me to their characters and a few pages later those characters have risen from the page and become real personalities I enjoy having in my life. The conversation between the characters in their books sparkles and sounds real and convincing. What’s more, the story flows with an ease and hooks the reader from the very first moment. With a just about perfect balance between angst and smiles and a total absence of boring moments, In The Distance, will keep you reading until you reach the happy ending.”

“Colour me blown away. This book touched me more than other dystopian stories have so far because events as described in The Long Fall of Night are all too plausible. The Long Fall of Night is an epic tale. Not just because it is indeed epic, as in fabulous, but also because it’s grand in scale and characters. As such, The Long Fall of Night can only be described as total immersion - as complete a reading experience as you’re likely to find between two (virtual) covers.”       

Make Me Soar by K.C. Wells:
“If there is such a thing as the ultimate love story, I may have just finished reading it. This story, the developing feelings and relationship between these two men took my breath away time and again. I may have audibly sighed on several occasions while reading Make Me Soar. And no, that wasn’t necessarily during the sex scenes although I have to admit those were rather special and very hot. This book gave me all the feels, culminating in the moment Dorian soars for the very first time, which brought tears of happiness to my eyes.”

Silver Scars by Posy Roberts:
“Silver Scars is a very special book. It touched me, took me by surprise and left me uplifted and awed. Silver Scars is not a traditional love story in the sense of a ‘will they / won’t they’ plot. The love between these two men is never in doubt. The big question in this romance is whether or not the two characters are able to love and trust themselves enough to allow another to love them, able to believe they’re worthy of that love. This story is about people having to reassess themselves and their lives and eventually come to the conclusion that different doesn’t mean less. Silver Scars is a wonderful story about pain, loss, hope, silver linings, courage, and, most of all, love. I can’t recommend this book enough.”

Skybound by Aleksandr Voinov:
“Dare I say it? Should I put down in writing that these may well have been the most touching, memorable and mesmerizing thirty pages I have ever read? There, I’ve said it. I have absolutely no idea how it is possible to say so much using so few words. Aleksandr Voinov told us more about war, fighting, pilots, fear and love in thirty pages than others have done in books ten times longer. I think it’s fair to say that every single word in this book was significant, just as I have no doubt that not only will Skybound stay on my mind for a very long time, it is also one of the few books I know I will re-read...again and again.

First by K.C. Wells:
“As love stories go this one is sweet and mesmerizing. What raises this book to the level of ‘extra-special’ is the way it deals with and the insight it gives us into the workings of the porn industry. I usually rush my way through KC Wells’ books because she captivates me in the first paragraph and keeps me hooked until the very last word. And that was true for this story too. But I forced myself to slow down for this book. I wanted to think about things and read between the lines. And that’s what made this book extra special.”

A Silence Kept by Theo Fenraven:
“This book is a gem, and it doesn’t reveal its full sparkle until the very last sentence on the very last page. This story achieved the impossible in that it left me both heart-crushingly devastated and joyfully happy. A Silence Kept is a wonderful mixture of spooky and sweet, sad and happy. One minute I would find myself reading with my heart in my throat only to have a smile stretched across my face a few paragraphs later, just before my heart was crushed by the palatable despair one of the characters conveys. And the progression from one emotion to the next was so unforced, smooth, and natural, my own reactions took me by surprise occasionally.”

King John by Edmond Manning:
“This story will shake you, may at times become very hard to read, and yet it will open your eyes and heart. As with the previous Lost and Founds books, King John has left me both shaken and stirred. I’m emotionally wrecked and cursing the fact I’ll have to wait several months at least before the story will continue. And yet I feel enriched too. It is as if my heart has expanded, as if I can now see, understand and feel things that were just beyond my grasp before I started reading.” 

Connection by Brigham Vaughn:
“I adored this story. Both Jeremy and Evan touched my heart. I was constantly torn between wanting to wrap them in my arms to keep them safe and make them feel loved and wanting to slap them around the head for not communicating more honestly with each other. To say I got emotionally involved in this story would be a gross understatement. I’m in awe of the way in which Brigham Vaughn managed to portray these two damaged men without turning them into weak or boring characters. I loved the way we’re allowed to see Jeremy and Evan’s strength, even when they’re at their weakest. And I’ll never stop admiring this author’s use of the English language.”

Jordan & Rhys by Sue Brown:
“This book could have been written just for me. It is a gentle story. Rhys and Jordan and the way they interacted struck a chord deep inside me.  I adored this book, the characters in it, the way the story was told and how it unfolded. Sue Brown shot this one straight into my personal bull’s eye.” 

Quillon’s Covert by Joseph Lance Tonlet and Louis Stevens:
“I’m in awe of what these two authors managed to achieve; they turned what should have been a shocking read into one of the most beautiful and touching love stories I’ve read all year.  This is a sweet, wonderful, sexy and touching story that will pull at your heartstrings in the best possible way.

And my favourite Christmas read this year was Christmas Miracles of a Recently Fallen Spruce by Brandon Witt:
I loved everything about it. First and foremost there’s the original, wonderful and very fitting title; how could I not be tempted? Beautifully written and an utter delight to read this book and the characters in it stole my heart.


  1. Great list! I see a lot of my favorites there too - and maybe one I need to buy!

  2. Replies
    1. You're very welcome and you earned that mention; it's a wonderful story.

  3. Have read all but two on your list ... Great list!! Running out to buy them too!

    1. Thank you! And I hope you'll enjoy those last two :)
